BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center

BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center

BALANCE, a premier eating disorder treatment center, offers the highest quality outpatient care for clients suffering from an eating disorder.

BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ treats the entire spectrum of eating disorders, including anorexiabulimiabinge eating disorder, compulsive overeating, other disordered eating behaviors, and body image issues. We offer clients four distinct levels of care, virtual and in-person, to meet their specific treatment needs: a day program, a weeknight program, a seasonal twelve-day intensive, step-down groups, and individual nutrition services.

Our integrative, multidisciplinary treatment model incorporates psycho-dynamically informed psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral treatment, DBT, creative & expressive therapies including art therapy & drama therapy, yoga, experiential therapy, family support (including multi-family and friend groups), as well as individual nutrition counseling and psychiatry when necessary. Our treatment Specialties include Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Athletes/Sports Nutrition, Compulsive Exercise, Orthorexia, Compulsive & Emotional Overeating, Night Eating Syndrome, Laxative Abuse, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Our nutrition philosophy takes a non-dieting approach following HAES (Healthy at Every Size), All Foods Fit, and Intuitive Eating. BALANCE’s goal is to better serve the needs of our clients through our array of outpatient services, each individualized to the client, and uncompromised intimate-group settings, both proven to move people toward recovery and relapse prevention. Connect with us today at | 212-654-9603